This is our new store located at 1225 Jefferson Road

Tarot Readers and Mediums at Mythic Treasures

Currently we have the following guest readers at the Jefferson Road store.
Belinda, is a Medium She is at the store Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. You can text her at 585-233-4347 for an appointment or walk in.
Jenna is a tarot reader with years of experience She does walk-ins on Wednesday
Willow is an intuitive tarot & oracle reader. You can reach her at willowwitchtarot@gmail.By appointments only
Lady Shiya, the Witch Coach, Psychic Tarot Reader, High Priestess, does walk-ins on Saturday & Sunday. She can also be reached at Shiya@Ladyshiya .com
Granny Goth Rauncie is a tarot reader who has a parlor located inside Mythic Treasures (Henrietta Store) She is available for walk-in readings on Friday 2 to 6 pm She is also available by appointment. To learn more about her readings and to make an appointment visit her website at
Sandy Caswell reads tarot and gives magic advise. She is here on Mondays & Thursdays.
The readers do their own scheduling. Please contact them for their availability and costs. They are also available for other events
Mythic Rewards Program
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Community Support
Free in-store pop up shops & monthly faires.
Free for local practitioners and vendors. We also have rooms for classes/workshops, meet-ups, readings & healings. Free or Reasonable Rates . Click here for more info